Friday, September 25, 2020


 This site is a mess. Work on chunking.

You do have main things you would like to work on like:

The Blinky Project
(finish the packaging of the message to stream it live with the cryptochip)
ultimately you are using the P256 curve with this, and having it appear in a DID document. You have Ed25519 as well, and you think it might work natively better in some cases if not for just the extra security comfort.

Satellite Link
You have a couple of links. Do you focus on LoRa, or do you focus on more frequencies? There are more links in this blog.
Like this, but for a satellite ground station instead of a 3D Printer

Data Management
You have been looking heavily at CQL and FQL. You like the predecessor FQL because it appeared to allow for JSON import. You believe that this will help with JWT, JSON-LD, and LD-Signatures and how they can play together some way.(edit 1) To learn how to go forward breaking stuff is necessary in addition to reading. You have a lot of stuff to read, and it is good that you are a great archivist, but by failing you make progress. Do the exercises. Try category theory again and again. Review the basic premises of what makes a category. Make sure you are comfortable with groups, monoids, ring, subgroups, semigroups, magmas....there is a way that they relate.
This starts getting into gremlin, which you will not only need to understand as a user [( great start ] but also theoretically. , . It is good that you are reading about the theory of computation in the discrete mathematics textbook. This is a good playlist to look at because you are getting lost reading . I do not know if reading the chapter before delving into the exercises is a good idea. I know you have tendency to read a lot of material before jumping in.
CQL is for ETL, mmADT is for data processing: custom programming languages/parsers for existing programming languages; various processing methods (distributed near time processing looks interesting); and various storage mechanisms: key-value stores... etcetera. These two will be merging in some way. Cayley graphs are interesting. (study william fisets data structures and graph back to discrete mathematics book, group theory book, abstract algebra book...etc...stay small) ... if you play with CQL or FQL for a few days, this is not sufficient, it might help.


(page 18-22) ====>
"JSON Web Signatures , JWT, JSON-LD
Linked Data Proofs (LD Proofs), and JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), (JWT)
I also found:"
Also look at:

like ??  (interesting:

"CQL, formerly known as AQL, was developed by Statebox in collaboration with Conexus, who develop the Java version of CQL.")  (statebox uses ZKP) "ethereum foundation grant"

related subgoals:

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