Friday, September 25, 2020


 This site is a mess. Work on chunking.

You do have main things you would like to work on like:

The Blinky Project
(finish the packaging of the message to stream it live with the cryptochip)
ultimately you are using the P256 curve with this, and having it appear in a DID document. You have Ed25519 as well, and you think it might work natively better in some cases if not for just the extra security comfort.

Satellite Link
You have a couple of links. Do you focus on LoRa, or do you focus on more frequencies? There are more links in this blog.
Like this, but for a satellite ground station instead of a 3D Printer

Data Management
You have been looking heavily at CQL and FQL. You like the predecessor FQL because it appeared to allow for JSON import. You believe that this will help with JWT, JSON-LD, and LD-Signatures and how they can play together some way.(edit 1) To learn how to go forward breaking stuff is necessary in addition to reading. You have a lot of stuff to read, and it is good that you are a great archivist, but by failing you make progress. Do the exercises. Try category theory again and again. Review the basic premises of what makes a category. Make sure you are comfortable with groups, monoids, ring, subgroups, semigroups, magmas....there is a way that they relate.
This starts getting into gremlin, which you will not only need to understand as a user [( great start ] but also theoretically. , . It is good that you are reading about the theory of computation in the discrete mathematics textbook. This is a good playlist to look at because you are getting lost reading . I do not know if reading the chapter before delving into the exercises is a good idea. I know you have tendency to read a lot of material before jumping in.
CQL is for ETL, mmADT is for data processing: custom programming languages/parsers for existing programming languages; various processing methods (distributed near time processing looks interesting); and various storage mechanisms: key-value stores... etcetera. These two will be merging in some way. Cayley graphs are interesting. (study william fisets data structures and graph back to discrete mathematics book, group theory book, abstract algebra book...etc...stay small) ... if you play with CQL or FQL for a few days, this is not sufficient, it might help.


(page 18-22) ====>
"JSON Web Signatures , JWT, JSON-LD
Linked Data Proofs (LD Proofs), and JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), (JWT)
I also found:"
Also look at:

like ??  (interesting:

"CQL, formerly known as AQL, was developed by Statebox in collaboration with Conexus, who develop the Java version of CQL.")  (statebox uses ZKP) "ethereum foundation grant"

related subgoals:

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Cat Theory Course Links

which lists 1-77.  ...

life is a journey

blabbering w/ more links:

Every time I become I librarian, I am encouraged to do the exercises. thank you for that.

Edit (book involving coq):

Monday, September 21, 2020

To Do:

 I'm seriously planning on uncommenting the JSON parser in FQL so it appears as a menu option, and hope that it doesn't splode. It is my to do.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Convert Binary to HexaDecimal Notes

Scratch ... which lets you print the hex number:

echo '0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1' | sed 's/,//g

edit compare to:

A Tutorial on Data Representation

Integers, Floating-point Numbers, and Characters




            I don’t know how to interpret a stream of binary that is a mix of integers, floating point numbers and characters.






Friday, September 18, 2020

Free write / musings of why have a distributed economy

 Why do you want to build a distributed economy?
-- Less bureaucracy
Why do you want less bureaucracy?
-- People get in the way.
Will less people get in the way if you build a distributed economy?
-- I will be easier to find people (search). People will disagree, but at least they will be able to find what they want in light of what they know.

You want order in computer systems so you can have disorder in the real world.


Why do you want to build a distributed economy?
  I want to work with self-organized groups that are optimized based on interest.
  I had trouble during childhood finding like minded individuals to work with and this continued during my schooling and career.
  I know the people who want to work with me are out there, but it is not easy to find them.
  People choose careers based on fields, and often these fields do not match them perfectly. It is like choosing between small-medium-large instead of a custom fit to skills and interests.
Why are you using linked data?
  It allows individuals to express interrelations within their domain of interest and compare this with others in an interoperable way

Edit (5:36 AM .. sept 21st): This distributed economy project is for engineering type projects. I believe that I was originally motivated to start it due to childhood, college, and graduate school wounds inflicted by family.

Edi (9:13 AM ... sept 21st): People come and go as autonomous agents, and can be part of one or more virtual organizations. These organizations are like flash mobs. They come together for a project, and then disband when it is finished. Information is made interoperable so parts and projects can fit together like lego blocks. Value networks are used to model the contributions, so people can be compensated for their work.

Earlier writing:
We need a system that encourages learning and creates business and research opportunities through self-organization. The traditional model is failing us. We must go beyond the traditional model and personalize education, business, and research with self-organization, so that individuals can contribute their own ideas and work together toward common goals.

Why CQL?
   can I have interoperability enabled by algebra???
   The earth was the center; then the sun; then no need for center.
    -- Having a world-center provides an origin; good for coordinating.
    -- But there isn't just one best coordinate system.
    -- Each coordinate system is a perspective.
   (Read above in terms of algebra and in terms of information)

Why IoT?

Why SSI? Why do you need educational credentials? Shouldn't your work prove you did something? It is not always possible. What? To be productive?
Sometimes someone may need to learn the ropes. Like how to drive a car or a forklift.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Looking at assembly links and binary string to int conversion

from gdb:
"Examine memory: x/FMT ADDRESS.
ADDRESS is an expression for the memory address to examine.
FMT is a repeat count followed by a format letter and a size letter.
Format letters are o(octal), x(hex), d(decimal), u(unsigned decimal),
  t(binary), f(float), a(address), i(instruction), c(char), s(string)
  and z(hex, zero padded on the left).
Size letters are b(byte), h(halfword), w(word), g(giant, 8 bytes).
The specified number of objects of the specified size are printed
according to the format.  If a negative number is specified, memory is
examined backward from the address.

Defaults for format and size letters are those previously used.
Default count is 1.  Default address is following last thing printed
with this command or "print"."

I thought you might want to take a dip in assembly:

Yes. This is one of the best tutorials ever!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Build out a board...??

This is fun looking, but what about having it as a single unit???

KiCAD Tutorial

From Idea to Schematic to PCB - How to do it easily!

Schematic Design - Landing Model Rockets Ep. 4

PCB Layout - Landing Model Rockets Ep. 5

link to program microcontroller:

Make your goals easier to achieve my chunking them together. (inspired by Tony Robbin's comeback challenge and RPM method)

You can have a vision and main goals for each part, then subgoals to get each of the main goals done. Over time by solving problems and chunking them together you will find that getting your goals done is more manageable. Also spend time visualizing your goals and imagining them completed (e.g. Tony Robbin's priming) so you continue to focus on them. The world may be doing its own thing but it is your job to get your goals done. Focus your resources on your goals completion. Different people will have different things to say about your goals. None of them will be entirely right. Weigh these opinions in light of research you have completed and work you have done. If you feel like your goals are being compromised and are being steered in an entirely different direction either by your actions or actions of others do what you can to turn the rudder. When faced with forks in the road determine the pros and cons. This can be taking some sort of action, whether it is starting a project or investing some money.

Things to look at with DIDs and SSI
DID Resolution - Given a DID how do I retrieve its document? Markus Sabadello

Introduction to DID Auth for SSI with Markus Sabadello
leads to menu options in that appear in Legacy. One is
"FQL++ Knuth-Bendix". Un-comment the section immediately below and recompile. Try to see if this allows you to get a menu where you can input a JSON 
document. Try JSON and JSON-LD and see how @context is affected.

It looks like I can rebuild FQL with the Eclipse IDE.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Trying to return values in C from Array

 #include <stdio.h>

int a, b;

int main() {
   int *p;
   a = 2;
   b = 15;
   p = intToBin(a,b);
   printf("The value of the return value p is: %d\n",p);

int * intToBin(int a, int b) {
    while(b > 0) {
        c = b /a;
        d = b % a;
        printf("The expansion of %d is: %d * %d + %d\n",b,c,a,d);      
        b = c;
 return 5;

This does not work.

I am trying to pull in what I have written for this:

Perhaps I will check out:


try to returning exponent and array:    ^^^^

The message I am getting from messing with this is, don't mix structs with arrays in them with pointers to structs as return types. It gets one into trouble.

can I find a functor that gets me from jwt to jsonld with to start exploration

 Figure out how all of this fits together.... (JSON Web Tokens)
(BTCR playground) , JSONLD)

Sunday, September 6, 2020

more satellite with rtl-sdr, wxtoimg, ...., link exploration

removed sdr# and mono because I am going to use GQRX   (Scientific Computing | SciVision)  --- reverse this....

5:31 / 30:13
APT Weather Satellite Reception with RTL-SDR, SDR#, WXtoImg, and Orbitron

figure out how to make this work with jackaudio... on linux


stream raw audio over UDP, Record Audio

try jack audio:

Decoding NOAA weather satellite with RTL-SDR GQRX and WXtoimg -Tutorial

Perhaps build a QFH antenna:


More info on history of amateur satellites and how to track them. bookmarked time for how to track them.

Edit Sept 23rd, perhaps PulseAudio will help connect WxToImg and gqrx??

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Things Network links

 The Things Network Part One

The Things Network Part Two

Is my perception that Gremlin can query over multiple machines correct?

Brent Shambaugh  7:42 PM
From my understanding Gremlin allows for the querying over a "giant global graph" like structure using property graphs. This means that the data can be distributed amongst machines and little gremlins can run everywhere. (
Brent Shambaugh  7:51 PM
ahh okay, I'm satisfied:

Trying out IEEE754 to build a 32 byte message that can be cryptographically signed.

 Decimal to IEEE 754 Floating Point Representation -- ... I am watching this so that I can convert a floating point number to a 32 byte type uint8_t array that can be signed by a private key, and verified using a uint8_t public key.

Big Endian and Little Endian

"Array Element Storage

As you might remember from Day 8, the elements of an array are stored in sequential memory locations with the first element in the lowest address. Subsequent array elements (thos with an index greater than 0) are stored in higher addresses. How much higher depends on the array's data type
(char, int, float, and so forth)" -- pg. 203 , Sam's Teach yourself C in 21 Days, Sixth Edition by Bradley Jones and Peter Aitken

Convert Binary to Decimal

How to return multiple values from a function in C or C++?

This looks like an end result of what I am trying to create:
Program for conversion of 32 Bits Single Precision IEEE 754 Floating Point Representation

goting back:

IEEE 754 Floating Point Representation to its Decimal Equivalent