Friday, December 16, 2022

Career worries (originally posted in the Veramo Discord and PM) ... I'm adding it to my blog in case I meet a magic person who wants to talk rather than walk

Silly LinkedIN message DM:

On[e] advantage you seem to have is San Francisco. It has a high concentration of capital both intellectual and otherwise. I wish fate would have left me there, but alas not. It has been an uphill battle for me ever since I became interested in late 2011 [referencing stuff like this]. Lots of going it alone and fighting my own thoughts as well as the well-meaning naysayer. Is there anything that you read when you get discouraged? Is there anything that helps you build more courage? Find where the compass points? Faith in God or the Universe?  I'm looking into Thinking, Fast and Slow and Principles by Ray Dalio.
Well anyway, I don't want to take too much of your time. I'll be in touch later. I'm not 100% sure you were into the Category Theory explorations. You did leave your e-mail, but you also didn't stay till the end. I made a note of who did, but I can keep you in the loop because to my knowledge Ryan is still up for it. How this plays out I have no idea , but he is incredibly competent and I would be less willing to scratch this itch it I didn't have his friendship and generosity.  
 Well anyway, Feliz Navidad.

Silly LinkedIN message DM:

intellectual talent is a hard thing to gauge..there is talent here..but it is expressed in the same patterns of behavior due to the job options ..maybe from my own biased perspective it seems like every time I see a new startup's website I always see San Francisco written on the bottom.


Veramo Discord (because I'm overly transparent):

I went to a meetup last night and there were recruiters sponsoring it . They were fine. I talked with them to figure out what they were about. Internal emotion before was crazy, as if I was dissatisfied that I got a lot of personal satisfaction from trying out interesting problems that few were doing but I wasn't making money with it. But then my "act of courage" may have had something to do with me not sleeping last night as if I drank caffeine too late. Maybe I did. I am not sure. I told someone privately that I was more the type of person to pursue something interesting and wind up working in surprising place like Vienna (and have it not work out) than take a bunch of tests and get a job. The conversation then evolved to Deep Work (iirc) which after looking up is just sustained focus on a task . I know I can focus on task for a prolonged period as I may have proven with my PR but it is like my mind and body have to be aligned. I cannot do a good job deceiving this because it flows, almost at a spiritual level. I'm going to stop beating myself up for not buying 2000ETH for ~$600.0 IRC, oh you could have had more cushion!, because I know I will vigilantly stay on mission and drive my finances into the ground before I stray from what I want to see in the world.

That said, I may do more action/and or reflection. Apologies if this is off scope.
More information about me can be found: . I believe only the GitHub is up to date.

I probably should just get back to work. I realize that what I am doing now does not match the original degree that I went to college for. I looked at the website for these recruiters and realized that what I am doing might be considered Electrical Engineering. I have a B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering, which except for about 8 months as an Adjunct Chemistry Professor I never really pursued a degree with. I largely abandoned formal education many years ago and learn from people in the hobbyist and maker communities. Since these postings are not for my degree I look at them, but think that they are something that I realistically could not be considered for.

I really don't know if you can just build a project and jump in the industry that way. Either it helps you get a job or build a product that can be sold. As far as the need to be a professional engineer by passing the FE exam, working for 4 years at some company, then getting licensed. I don't know about that. (edit for blog post: I find job descriptions like that attractive, but then I shrink back realizing I have the wrong papers). I see people selling stuff on all the time, so there must be nothing illegal about doing your own engineering work and then selling it. Maybe it is called something other than engineering, because some say you can only call yourself an engineer if you are licensed. I've tried talking to my university, but I've found the usual experience is that I get tossed from person to person with no real answer. Then there is the story of things getting a little messed up in college, which I think in hindsight ,would have been solved if I just pumped more of my own or loaned funds into coursework. Strong arm things. I think the real answer is just start over at some junior college. It may have been wise to do that when I was an Adjunct Chemistry Professor because I was up there anyway.

Added for this blog post:
I'll add this this that the job in Vienna didn't work out because I had some blind spots in my knowledge. I thought I knew more about Java (it turns out I had an abbreviated book called Java in 24 hours which didn't cover stuff like interfaces and generics and I didn't get that from other programming language knowledge) than I did and I mistook the applicability of my P2P economy writings like to the position even though this sort of activity caused me to land the position.

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