Thursday, May 28, 2020

Messing around with Socket Servers on ESP32

See the link above. I gave this a shot, but my computer immediately disconnects once I connect to the socket server. I need to somehow keep the socket open.

I am going to try his more advanced websocket server (link below) and see if I run into the same issue. Maybe I can backtrack the problem, or maybe I can ask a friend.

Compare the result to using an HTTP server.

Supposedly a Socket Server is better because I can keep the connection open. But how do I keep it open?

Edit (May 31st, 2020):

The second Shawn Hymel link mentions WiFi.SoftAP . The only mention in the Ardunio library that I found was:

SoftAP is . This requires a password, which is a problem according to Wikipedia. Maybe not if you go the verifiable credentials / DID route. Libraries? Ockam?

Edit (May 31st, 2020):

I tried the second project "1882" and recorded the results:
Now I do not know how to pull data from the Sockets Server. I know how to push data to it using the button. However, I notice that if I place a toggle switch in the circuit with the LED and break the connection the webserver code does not read any change in state from the sockets server. I need code that continuously listens to what is happening on the server side (i.e. whether there is a connection).

I suspect that a chat server is a good analogue.

The code is here:

[review node modules for node project setup:]

Once I know how a chat server works, then maybe I will be able to apply it to an LED.

A sensor turns "on" and "off" when it receives new data.

[ note. the websocket server is on a different network than the wifi network. (uses softAP) this is a problem for my laptop (at least under the current configuration) . Perhaps I can connect to both networks in my network card supports it??] ... nvm...I can get the websocket server and the rest of the system to run on the same network

Edit:: I found a configuration that works. I can turn on an off an LED from a webpage.

Interesting document

It has websockets!

But how do I get it to forward my sensor data?? Try this::

In the future see:

and: (MQTT Over Websockets Explained for Beginners ) (An Introduction to MQTT for Beginners) [one version uses TCP another uses UDP]

Espressif also provides a websocket client:

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