Wednesday, September 20, 2017

log: gitter:solid/node-solid-server

Brent Shambaugh

I'm trying to learn about how to access SOLiD with FOAF+SSL and other semantic web resources from JavaScript. I can look up the flow diagram for how the protocol works, but I found I did not know about CORS or much about writing code for Authorization or Authentication. Thus I'm going through the process of watching videos about XMLHttpRequests and how to work with OAuth in JavaScript (even though WebID with foaf+ssl is a bit different). I'm learning about setting headers, expanding my knowledge of xhr structure, working with proxy servers for CORS, working with access tokens, ....

[Edit: , ]

I find populating my mind with information, and gradually refining over time as I discover things is an effective way to eventually reach a solution when at first there does not appear to be a explicit and verbose algorithm in my mind to do so.

Is a gradual convergence approach a good idea as any?
Dmitri Zagidulin
it's as good an approach as any. (though I would look at 'fetch' api, instead of XmlHttpRequest'
Brent Shambaugh
@dmitrizagidulin Okay, thanks!
Brent Shambaugh

Looping back, it looks with FetchAPI is a WhatWG Standard and it is documented by MDN and Google Developers. I recall this mentioned before by those in this group as an approach, so I have considerable confidence I'm synchronizing to your efforts. Maybe I'll help with the docs if I get any good.

Verified: solid/solid-web-client#20
[Edit: , , , , , ( JavaScript Fetch Api Example - A Real World App) ]

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