Friday, January 31, 2020

Setting up Andy's Linux

Steps taken to set up Andy's Linux:

1) Download ISO.
2) Use unetbootin to "burn" it to a USB stick
3) Configure in the Bios to boot from USB (by pressing F7, and then the correct menu option)
4) Install to the Hard Drive.
5) Get the internet working through a netplan configuration file:
5.1) Contents:

#Let NetworkManager manage all devices on this system
  version: 2
  renderer: NetworkManager
     dhcp4: yes

Adding programs to the icewm start menu:

$ icewm --directories



edit the programs folder in vim as root.


How to create a keyboard shortcut for Printing the Screen with Andy's Linux, Ubuntu 18.04:

Look at the file /usr/share/icewm/keys. It is a goldmine of information.

From this file I derive that /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h is the file that contains all the key names with corresponding
hex values. The ones involving printing can be found with:
cat /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h | grep "Print"

I get the output:

#define XK_Print                         0xff61
#define XK_3270_PrintScreen              0xfd1d

I can cross check this with the xev command. When I press the PrtSrc button with xev running I get:

"(keysym 0xff61, Print)" amongst the output.

1) Using this information, I can create a file in /usr/local/bin/ called .


DATE=`date +%s`
scrot "$HOME/Pictures/scr-$DATE.png"

2) Make executable:

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

3) Create a file named "keys" in /etc/X11/icewm with the contents:

key "Print"   /usr/local/bin/
